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Mentorship Program Info Session

Date:   Oct 02, 2024
Time:   12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)


Join us for a Mentorship Program information webinar .

MentorCity is an on-line mentoring matching program that connects you to meaningful mentoring relationships. The premise is that throughout your life and career, there are times when you can benefit from the advice, guidance and support of a mentor. There are also times when you can share your expertise and experiences to guide mentees in the right direction. MentorCity creates a mentoring community that enables
you to engage in a series of give-and-take relationships.

This one hour webinar will feature the benefits of the mentorship program and introduce the MentorCity platform. 

Wednesday October 2, 2024 from 12:30 ET to 1:30 ET

Register now for your virtual seat! 


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Should you not be able to complete the form in one sitting, any information you have entered will be saved and your form will continue from where you left off when you return.

By entering your email you are giving your consent to be contacted electronically by Supply Chain Canada on matters regarding the event and your registration/enrollment.